Cooling towers at a processing facility had severe damage from corrosion. It was wondered whether structural integrity could be maintained while avoiding the cost of total replacement. Loose concrete was removed with jet blasting, and VpCI®-423 was used to remove heavy rust on rebar. MCI®-2023 was applied immediately to protect cleaned rebar. MCI®-2038 and MCI®-2039 were then used to repair concrete and restore structural integrity. Structurally sound areas that did not require concrete repair were treated with MCI®– 2020 surface applied corrosion inhibitor designed to migrate and protect the steel beneath the concrete. Using this process, the contractor was able to restore the structure’s integrity and aesthetics at a substantial cost savings to the owner.
Keywords: cooling tower restoration, case history spotlight, severe damage from corrosion, cost savings, concrete repair, MCI, SACI, surface applied corrosion inhibitor, VpCI, remove rust
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