CASE HISTORY SPOTLIGHT #336: Architectural Coatings for Plastics Plant

Architectural CoatingsThe owner of a manufacturing plant in Europe needed protective coatings with customized colors on both interior and exterior details. Desirable traits included cost effectiveness, ease of application, and environmental responsibility.

Silos, light poles, and the floor were cleaned with a solution of VpCI®-414 Cleaner/Degreaser. From there, silos were coated with VpCI®-386 Green, galvanized light poles were coated with VpCI®-373 and VpCI®-386 Green, and the floor was coated with MCI®-2026 Concrete Primer and MCI®-2026 Floor Coating. The extrusion line was coated with Cortec’s water-based coating technology prior to shipment from Italy. Color coding was used in certain areas as warnings against heat exposure or slippage on stairs. The system provided a variety of water-based or low VOC options with precautions against safety hazards and corrosion on metal surfaces.

To read the full case history, please log in to our case history website:

Keywords: Cortec, Case History Spotlight, architectural coatings, Cortec Coatings, corrosion, floor coating, concrete primer, coatings for manufacturers, protective coatings, water-based coatings

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Case History Spotlight #536: Croatian Overpass Preservation

October 31, 2023

A Croatian overpass needed corrosion protection and a better appearance. The concrete surface was therefore cleaned and dried before workers applied a solution of MCI®-2020 Powder by brush and left it to dry for two days. The final step was to apply MCI® Architectural Coating (tinted grey) for additional protection and an improved appearance in the natural landscape.

MCI Croatian Overpass Preservation

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Case History Spotlight #389: Corrosion Protection on Hawaiian Bridge

corrosion protection hawaiian bridge


The North Kahana Stream Bridge was built in 2011 in a corrosive environment near the Pacific Ocean on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The air is permeated with ocean chlorides and volcanic sulfuric dioxide. Acid rain makes the problem worse. Due to this harsh atmosphere, MCI®-309 was injected into the bridge’s post tension ducts just after post tension cables were placed. MCI®-2005 NS admixture was also used in the new concrete of the bridge. Both materials provided a practical, convenient way for the local DOT to greatly extend the expected service life of the structure in this extremely corrosive environment.

Keywords: Cortec Case Histories, corrosion protection, Hawaiian corrosion, Pacific corrosion, bridge corrosion, PT corrosion inhibitors, concrete admixtures, extend service life, Cortec MCI, Hawaii DOT

Read the full case history here.

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CASE HISTORY SPOTLIGHT: Case History #630: Krk Bridge Preservation Project

The Krk Bridge, which includes one of the world’s longest reinforced concrete arches, is located in a corrosive environment where strong winds blow salt spray onto the bridge’s surface. Almost four decades of chloride exposure led to corrosion problems that, due to inadequate maintenance, threatened to endanger the bridge’s stability unless proper preservation measures were taken. With one million vehicles traveling across the bridge every year, mitigation was critical.

A team selected MCI®-2020 as part of the preservation program after investigating a variety of materials. Workers began applying it in the year 2018 during an extended repair stage. As a surface applied corrosion inhibitor (SACI), MCI®-2020 was used prior to applying repair mortar on areas of concrete where corrosion had been identified. MCI®-2020 was economical, easy to use, and met project technical requirements, making it a great addition to this long-term preservation project to extend the service life of the Krk Bridge.

To read the full case history, please visit:

Keywords: word’s longest concrete arches, Krk Bridge Preservation, Case History Spotlight, extend service life, surface applied corrosion inhibitor, SACI,
repair mortar, corrosion inhibitor, Cortec, corrosion problems on bridges

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CASE HISTORY SPOTLIGHT #473: Adding MCI®-2005 to Dubai’s First Children’s Hospital

Adding MCI®-2005 to Dubai’s First Children’s Hospital

The first children’s hospital in Dubai was built with a footprint of 55,000 m² (592,015 ft²). An aggressive environment with high salinity, high humidity levels, high temperatures, and a high water table posed considerable challenges for designing the structure to meet concrete durability and minimum service life requirements. MCI®-2005 was added to the concrete mix to enhance durability and maximize service life. This biobased concrete admixture (contains 67% USDA certified biobased content) inhibits corrosion by forming a protective molecular layer on the surface of metal reinforcement. It met all specifications required by the design engineering firm and was therefore accepted for use in this challenging environment.

Keywords: Case History Spotlight, MCI-2005, MCI, Dubai children’s hospital, designing structures to meet service life requirements, concrete durability, biobased concrete admixture, concrete admixture, inhibit corrosion, corrosion inhibiting admixture, maximize concrete service life

Read the full case history here.

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In 2021, a new mixed-use complex in Nebraska called for the construction of a four-level post-tension (PT) parking garage with a 100-year design life (before the first corrosion-related repair). Adding a corrosion inhibitor was essential because of the high corrosion risk from frequent winter freeze-thaw cycles, excessive ice, and heavy deicing salts.

Shortly before the first concrete pour, the contractor had a bad experience using a calcium nitrite corrosion inhibitor (CNI) in another PT parking garage. The PT mix had been difficult to place and finish because of set acceleration, stiffness, and a low slump. As a result, the contractor decided to try MCI®-2005 NS as an alternative in the next project.

The first pour took place in the middle of a July heat wave, with the heat index at 100 °F (38 °C) at 9:30 in the morning. Since heat can accelerate set time, the contractor wondered if they should wait until evening to pour the mix. Their Cortec® MCI® regional sales manager reassured them that they could go ahead and treat the mix as they normally would under these temperatures. They did so, and soon noticed how much easier it was to consolidate and place the mix than their last CNI batch. Even an interruption in the placement job left them with great results when they resumed and made their first finishing pass.
At the end of the pour, the contractor’s general superintendent commented that this was the best PT mix he had ever placed and that he never wanted to go back to CNI. In less than a week, his prediction that other local ready-mix suppliers would want to switch over, as well, came true when all ready-mixer bids for another parking garage included MCI
®-2005 NS as their corrosion inhibiting admixture.

To read more details in the full case history, please visit:

Keywords: Case History Spotlight, Cortec, MCI, CNI, corrosion inhibiting admixture, set acceleration problems, corrosion, calcium nitrite alternative, deicing salt corrosion, pouring concrete in heat wave

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