NEWS ALERT: From Adhesives to Concrete: Meet Our New MCI® Regional Sales Manager!

MCI Regional Sales ManagerWe are pleased to introduce Mike Bosman as our new MCI® Regional Sales Manager for the Midwest! Mike started on October 10th and fills a huge need for MCI® support in the states of Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado. We look forward to having him become a dynamic part of our MCI® team!

Mike will be educating contractors, distributors, specifying engineers, and other potential customers about what our MCI® portfolio has to offer them and how those materials will fit best into their existing processes. His goal is to become an expert resource for his clients and to eventually be able to contribute new ideas to the world of reinforced concrete corrosion protection.

Although working with concrete is new to Mike, the topic of corrosion is not, as corrosion mitigation was one of the top five priorities he addressed while working with 3M in the defense market for adhesives and coatings. While there, he received his share of exposure to material testing and approval processes, frequently heading up accelerated underwater corrosion testing on a variety of materials.

Now, as he shifts his focus to a new substrate, Mike is quickly becoming familiar with the characteristics of concrete and is on track to become an outstanding liaison between Cortec® and MCI® users. Join us in welcoming Mike to the team, and don’t hesitate to introduce yourself to him!

Mike Bosman
® Regional Sales Manager, Midwest
Phone: 651-350-9536
[email protected]

Keywords: Cortec, MCI, concrete, MCI regional sales manager, Mike Bosman, corrosion protection, rusted rebar in concrete, corrosion testing, concrete longevity, concrete admixtures

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