MCI®-2018 is a 100% silane concrete sealer containing time-proven Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI®). MCI®– 2018 penetrates deep into concrete providing corrosion protection to reinforcing steel from existing water and chloride ions, or other contaminants. MCI®-2018 also provides water repellency by chemically reacting with the cementitious substrate under proper application, decreasing the ingress of additional aggressive materials.
MCI®-2018 V/O is particularly formulated for application on vertical surfaces. MCI®-2018 FD and MCI®-2018 V/O FD both contain a red fugitive dye to aid in uniform application and job inspection. The color will stay on concrete for about 7 days but fade in about 30 days, depending on sunlight (UV) exposure.
MCI®-2018 UV contains a UV dye to confirm applications without affecting the appearance of the surface.
MCI®-2018 and MCI®-2018 VO are available with a permanent Red or Blue stain.
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