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MCI®-2020 V/O Powder


MCI®-2020 Powder is a water-soluble migratory corrosion inhibitor for the treatment of existing concrete structures. It is designed to migrate through even the densest of structures and seek out embedded steel reinforcing bars. MCI®-2020 Powder also protects a multitude of other metals including carbon steel, galvanized steel and aluminum. The unique feature of Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI®) is that even if not in direct contact with metals, the inhibitor will migrate a considerable distance through concrete to provide protection. MCI®-2020 Powder will reduce corrosion of reinforcing metals and extend the service life of the structure. A special version of MCI®– 2020 Powder – MCI®-2020 V/O Powder is designed for vertical and overhead applications.

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MCI®-2020 V/O Powder

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FEATURED IN: MCI®-2020 Featured in July/August 2015 Issue of Facility Executive Magazine!

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