MCI®-2019 X is a 40% silane penetrating water repellent. It provides great protection for concrete against water ingress and other contaminants. MCI®– 2019 X lines the pores of the concrete matrix with a hydrophobic layer and boosts the durability and service life of concrete structures. MCI®-2019 X can be conveniently applied on top of a penetrating surface applied corrosion inhibitor (SACI) for a full system of protection against moisture and corrosion.
Packaging & Storage: MCI®-2019 X is available in 5 gallon (19 L) pails and 55 gallon (208 L) drums. To ensure best product performance, store in original packaging, indoors, and out of direct sunlight at 40-100 °F (4-38 °C). Shelf life: 2 years
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